Creator Tools and Scripts
Scatter's Creator Webtools
Scatter has a variety of webtools available for creators to employ when preparing to create their collection. All our webtools are free to use and can be found here:
Our suite of webtools currently includes:
Remove File Extensions: Upload a .zip file, get a new .zip back with all file extensions removed. Useful for removing file extensions from JSON files.
Search and Replace: Upload a .zip file, get a new .zip back with all files treated as text and with the search term replaced with the replace term.
Update Image Fields: Upload a .zip file, get a new .zip back with all files treated as JSON, the image fields will be updated to use the CID and filename extension in the two fields. If you did not update your images folder directly (as in, it's in a sub-folder of the IPFS CID) you can include the subfolder name after the CID in the CID field with a forward slash inbetween.
Update Name Fields: Upload a .zip file, get a new .zip back with all files treated as JSON, the name fields will be updated to use the prefix and the filename if the checkbox is checked. If you want an output like "Myname #123" you should keep the filename checked and set your prefix to "Myname #" with the # in it.
Dedupe and Merge .txt Files: Upload a .zip file or a selection of .txt files, get a new .txt file back with: all ENS (.eth) lines resolved, all duplicates removed, all addresses converted to proper case, sorted list. Some optional settings should be kept enabled in most cases. This tool is useful for combining multiple whitelist snapshots / lists of .eth addresses together into a single whitelist .txt file.
Snapshot Multiple Collections: Enter a list of one or more collection addresses to list the holders of each collection. Will produce an output.txt file containing all wallets that own NFTs from the snapshotted collections. DO NOT add individual wallet addresses to the input list here, you can add those after.
Sign and Verify: Connect a wallet to be able to sign and verify messages. This is useful to have people prove they own a wallet by having them sign any kind of challenge message. They can give you the result, and then you can verify it.
Refresh OpenSea Metadata: Allows you to force refresh a full collection on OpenSea or a range of IDs. If you need to refresh Scatter metadata open a ticket in our Discord and we will do it for you.
Generate Unrevealed JSONs: Allows you to generate a range of unrevealed JSONs. You can use unrevealed JSONs for your baseuri initially before you reveal by setting the revealed JSONs baseuri. After you reveal, you'll want to run a refresh on your collection.
Clean JSONs: Allows you to remove excess ugly fields from your JSON files.
Clean JSONs Traits: Allows you to remove excess traits from your JSON files.
Generate JSONs No Traits: Allows you to generate a range of JSONs with no traits. This is useful if you have a collection of hand made images but don't want traits for them.
Generate JSONs From CSV: Allows you to generate a range of JSONs with traits from a CSV file. This is useful if you have a collection of hand made images and do want traits for them. Here is a sample.csv you can import to Sheets programs to see how you can set up rows and columns for traits.
Generate JSONs By Fields: Allows you to generate range of JSONs with traits based on fields. This is useful if you want to make an ERC-721 collection where it's possible to get duplicates. You can include 1/1s by only having them have 1 quantity.
SHA-256 String: Allows you to conveniently SHA-256 a string.
Text FX: Generate useful text effects from an input string.
Moneypipe Withdrawal: Allows you to withdraw from the legacy splitter app, The legacy domain expired and so should no longer be trusted!
Build Airdrop List: Are you migrating contracts? Use this to build an airdrop list to airdrop people the exact ID(s) they had in a previous collection version.
Merkle Proofs: Verify that merkle trees generated are authentic, not tampered with. Generate proofs for addresses based on a list of addresses.
Address and Amount Splitter: Split address and amount lists to individual addresses and amounts lists for direct running of batchMintTo.
Useful Scripts
For the more technically savvy, we also have a variety of scripts which you can run yourself available to serve many of the same purposes as our webtools.
These scripts are Python scripts. They are meant mostly to be ran next to either your "json" or "images" folders or both while some have other expectations such as being ran next to an "input" folder that has both a "json" and "images" folder inside of it. Read each script to understand what it does, they are written mostly in plain English. The below is a brief summary of the most useful ones.
One of the most important scripts is verify/ which verifies that your collection is proper and ready for uploading to our Instareveal service.
- - Can remove extra fields in your JSON as well as make it easy to modify other fields such as the description. You can modify this script your needs.
- - Useful if you have gaps in your JSON and images files, such as from deleting some IDs, and you want to re-order your collection but without changing the order.
- - Can shuffle your collection while also cleaning. Shuffling is sometimes necessary when you want the order changed.
- - This script can combine a folder of JSON files into a CSV. This can be useful for some other 3rd party tools.
- - Using this script you can make "unrevealed" NFT files which you plan to update later.
- - If you are making a handmade collection but you still want traits you can use this script along with a spreadsheet like
- - You can use this script to force refresh the metadata of your collection on other marketplaces.
- - You should run this script to verify your collection is good to go for our Instareveal service.
Whitelist Snapshots
- - Removes all addresses found in blacklist.txt from input.txt and saves the final list to a whitelist.txt file. This is useful to ban damn, dirty ape holders from participating in your whitelists.
- - Combines all .txt files containing addresses in the "snapshots" folder, removes duplicates, and saves the final merged list to an output.txt file. This is useful when you want to create a whitelists with many input collection snapshots without manually merging the lists.
- - Looks at all .txt files and creates a final output.txt which only lists all addresses found in common in all snapshot .txt files. This is useful to reward people who hold at least 1 each of a set of collections.
Note that when you put addresses into the whitelist field when making a list the list will be validated and made deduped so combining snapshots is not necessary, but still can be useful when you want to include many collections in your whitelist but don't want to manually put them all into one list. It's also useful when you want to share the final whitelist with others so they can easily see if their address is on your whitelist.
On the topic of Scatter's whitelist system, you can verify our Merkle roots with this source available tool (the code is all on that page just read its source):
Being able to verify our Merkle roots like this proves that we do not tamper with your input / we do not add or remove addresses on the lists you submit.