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Minting on Mobile

You can mint NFTs on your mobile device through the browser in the MetaMask app. This will work on both the Android and iOS versions of MetaMask.


Make sure you always carefully go to directly to pick the mobile version to install. Don’t risk searching for MetaMask in the stores or other search engines. It is always possible a spoofed app may trick you.

Install the mobile version of MetaMask and either create a new wallet or recover your existing wallet.

Go to in the mobile browser of the MetaMask mobile app.

Now connect your wallet to the platform. This can be prompted by tapping the circle profile icon at the top right of Scatter.

Go through the connection process and confirm the dialogs which ask you to sign a message to verify you control the wallet.

Once connected, go to the collection you wish to mint.

Choose the quanity, and then tap mint. You’ll have a transaction to confirm, and once it’s confirmed, you’ll have your shiny new NFTs!


If you get an error “Could not get your account. Unlock your Metamask and refresh the page.” on the mobile version of MetaMask, this may mean you need to disable “Privacy mode” in the Security & Privacy settings of the mobile app. This is a temporary issue which we will solve in the future, so changing this setting is not necessary.