Scatter Auction House
Scatter offers creators interested in minting via auction access to our auction house system. The Scatter Auction House can be used for different auction types, and often appeals to creators that place a high premium on their artwork.
Our auction house system helped us launch the historical Shmorky NFT collection.
The Scatter Auction house allows for what a known as auto-auctions. This is a method of auctioning a collection where simultaneous auctions for a number of pieces occur concurrently. You can read more about auto-auctions here.
Recently the Scatter auto-auction contract served as the backend for the highly successful Pixelady Figmata auction (click gallery on this page).
Dutch Auctions
Scatter offers access to a Dutch auction contract. Dutch Auctions are auctions where a maximum price is set and this gradually drops down until the collection is minted out.
Reverse Dutch Auctions are also available on Scatter. This is where the price starts at a minimum (we recommend zero for those looking to drive mint volume) and gradually increases with each mint until the supply is fully minted.
Integrating with custom dapps/plugins
If you have a collection your looking to auction via your own website or Dapp but would like to utilize the Scatter Auction House contract, we are almost always happy to assist in set-up/integration. If this is something you're interested you can reach out by creating a ticket in our Discord.
Setting up a Scatter Auction House mint
All Scatter auction contracts currently require coordination with the Scatter team. This will change soon and launching and auction will be as simple as other Scatter mints, but for now if you are looking to launch an auction on Scatter, open a ticket in our [Discord] and lets get started!