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Invite Lists

Lists are what you'll use to set and price the various levels of your mint. Your public sale as well as any early mints, whitelists, and free claims, will all need to be set up via lists.

Mint levels defined by a particular list will only be accessible to addresses on that list. People who are not connected to Scatter will only see the Public lists for your collection.

Minting will not begin on your collection until you create at least one valid list for it. To allow public minting, you must create a list with no addresses on it.

Scatter's list system offers a variety of flexible features. Test them all on our test net so that you understand them. Note that the unit size / multiplier should not be used / left blank in most situations.

Our YouTube tutorial could also help you see the bigger picture.

Types of lists

Public - This is the type of list that will need to be created in order for your open/public mint to occur. In order to set conditions for your public onsale, create a new list, leave the address section blank (yes, blank!) and fill in the price/timing for what will be the "main" public mint for your project.


Whitelist - In many instances a project may want to permission particular addresses to mint early, mint at a discounted price, or mint for free, these schemes are broadly referred to as "whitelists". Creating a whitelist on Scatter is very simple. After creating a new list under the "lists" tab, fill the addresses field with the addresses your wishing to add to your whitelist. Using the subsequent fields you can then set the particular time/price/availability parameters you want to apply to this particular list of addresses.


Self Mint - In some cases, for a variety of reasons, the artist or team behind a collection may want to be able to mint free NFTs themselves. This can be accomplished by creating a new list for your collection, adding only your address in the address field, and setting the mint price to zero. This is useful for projects that may have team allocation schemes or teams looking to have NFTs to provide liquidity on an NFTAMM. A self-mint list is also needed to conduct an airdrop.


Set up lists

  • Name: The name of the list. This name is visible to anyone who is eligible for the list.
  • List Addresses: The list of addresses if any for the list. If you leave this blank it will make the list public, a list anyone can use. You can include .eth ENS domains here. Lists submitted will automatically be de-duplicated. Addresses cannot be modified after an invite list is created.
  • Mint Start Time: The time shown to you is your local time. If you need to set time in another timezone you need to adjust for this. Leaving the Mint Start Time its default time will allow to begin minting right after the list is created.
  • Mint Price: The mint price can be set in ETH or any ERC-20. If you want to use a new ERC-20 that has not yet been used on Scatter let us know so we can set its symbol up.
  • Sale Type: Determines the logic of how the price is calculated. You can choose from Fixed (default), Linear Curve or Dutch Auction options. You can have multiple pricing styles on multiple different active lists.
  • Wallet Limit: The maximum number of NFTs a specific wallet can mint. For 1X free mint lists you want to make sure if this if set to 1. If you mistakenly set a wallet limit that is higher for a free mint it can enable people to mint many more NFTs than they should be able to, so make sure you set this right. Set a wallet limit to 0 if you need to pause an invite list.
  • List Limit: The maximum number of NFTs which can be minted on this list. This is useful for limiting the maximum number of free mints that can be claimed, or mints that can be claimed at discounted prices.

When a list limit is set to the max supply, tracking of that limit is not performed. This is done to conserve gas, as tracking becomes unnecessary in this scenario and would only incur additional gas costs without providing any functional benefit.

However, it's important to note that since the list limit isn't tracked on-chain when the list limit is the same as the max supply, lowering the list limit below the max supply will initiate tracking from zero. To ensure accurate minting control, if you decrease a list limit from the max supply to a lower amount, you must manually account for any mints that have already occurred. This is crucial if you intend to restrict the total number of mints from that list to a specific amount.

Sale Type

Fixed - Standard sale where each token mints for the same price.

Linear Curve - The price of each subsequent token increases linearly as supply increases. Typically used to encourage early participation: the first token is the cheapest while subsequent mints get progressively more expensive. The minter can set a higher price he is willing to pay to avoid failed transactions. If he sends more than is necessary for the current spot price of the linear curve the additional amount he sent will be refunded to him.

  • Delta: Represents the increment at which the price increases with each successive mint.

Dutch Auction - The initial mint price gradually decreases (or increases) over time until the Reserve Price is met. Typically used as a means of price discovery, with a high asking price that gradually decreases with each passing interval.

  • Delta: Represents the increment at which the price increases or decreases over one Interval. For a typical Dutch auction, this determines how quickly the price of the token reduces until it reaches the Reserve Price.
  • Interval: The number of seconds after which the mint price changes by the Delta value. The Interval determines how frequently the price of the NFT increases or decreases from its initial price towards the Reserve Price.
  • Reserve Price: Represents the final price at which you are willing to sell a token. If you set it to less than the initial price (Mint Price), the price of the NFT starts high and decreases over time until it reaches this Reserve Price or a buyer agrees to buy at the current price. If Reserve Price is greater than initial price, the cost gradually increases over time until it reaches this max price.

Advanced Options

  • Mint End Time: Optional for automatically limiting the time a list can be active for. Useful for limited time sales / early bird price deals.
  • Unit Size (multiplier): The amount of NFTs that are minted per number in the mint field. This is useful for minting concepts of "packs" where you order your collection in a certain way such that every 10 mints there is 1 NFT guaranteed of a certain type. You must make sure that your wallet limit is set at multiples of the unit size. You can test your setups on the testnet to ensure you have it right.
  • Is Blacklist: Makes List Addresses a blacklist rather than a whitelist. If enabled then addresses on the list won’t be able to mint.

ERC-1155 Only Options

  • Randomize: This allows NFTs to be minted in random order if enabled. This method is possible to exploit but very expensive to do so, and costs more in gas than it should. If you want to use randomized minting for ERC-1155 IDs, it’s better to deploy a ERC-1155 Random collection.
  • Token IDs: You can set particular token IDs which can be minted on this list. Make sure you do not include any extra whitespace. Leave blank to include all token IDs.

ERC-1155 Random Only Options

  • Excluded Token IDs: You can set particular token IDs which can NOT be minted on this list. Make sure you do not include any extra whitespace. Leave blank to include all token IDs.

You can get NFT collection snapshots with our tool If you are wanting to get the most recent snapshot make sure you manually choose the most recent block. You can find the most recent block on on the Latest Blocks panel.

If you need ERC-20 token holders snapshots you can export CSV with

Scatter's whitelist system automatically resolves ENS domains (.eth addresses). However, it may prove more convenient for you to create a proper list of full addresses, if you are creating one whitelist encompassing many collections.