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The domain has expired and the dev who built it has been MIA for over a year. Someone possibly might snipe the domain when it fully expires and put a drainer on it, so it won’t be safe after. We strongly recommend you to use Splits instead.

Moneypipes are a useful tool you can use to easily split mint proceeds with your team. You can setup a moneypipe, test it to your team's satisfaction, then set the moneypipe address as your ownerAltPayout, then lock your ownAltPayout so that it cannot be changed. Then when you withdraws the splits will automatically happen based on the share %s you set.

For already created Moneypipe contracts, Scatter has setup a static withdraw tool here:

The buffer2 type moneypipe is what is typically used and recommended. It accepts ETH as well as any ERC-20. Any amount of ETH or ERC-20 is automatically split based on the rules you set when you deploy your moneypipe. The moneypipe rules cannot be changed after it is deployed. The moneypipe site provides a convenient interface for deploying and accessing your moneypipes. Anyone who is on a moneypipe is allowed to withdraw their shares at any time.

Part of the moneypipe site relies on a public HTTP IPFS gateway so if that gateway is having issues the site can be slow or appear to not work. Let it sit or try again later if this appears to happen.